Jul 29, 2009

Tough day in the office!

Wednesday was a very tough day in the office. Much work and on top of that all the work with fixing my website as ordered (I have now fixed the blog and diary, I’m cropping pics today to fit the format and I will fix my videos during the weekend). But worst of all: I had to run a management meeting. It’s scheduled at 11 AM every Monday but I postponed it, first from Monday to Tuesday and so from Tuesday to Wednesday. I couldn’t postpone it any longer and I didn’t know (at that time) if I would be dressed today – or still nude. Lady Honey didn’t tell me anything so I commenced with the meeting but I moved it from the meeting room it was scheduled in to my own office. Still bad! I had to sit with my tits very visible for all the managers (five persons), my sister and a secretary. I had loads of papers on my desk but they might even have seen my pussy since we have glass desks! The meeting dragged out over two hours. All the rest left for lunch after the meeting (I couldn’t as I’m sure you understand) but that was OK. I needed all the time I could get to do my work!
Lady Honey came back to my office shortly after 8 PM and asked if I wanted a lift back home! Yeppppeee! Going home. Shower! My own bed! No show! No People! All the things I was dreaming about! I took a very long cold shower before I went to bed. No TV – just straight to bed where I slept until early morning when I drove back to my office dressed as a proper business woman.
I used half an hour in my office window (only dressed in my high heals and the dog collar) as I’m told to do every morning but I didn’t cum since I was not told to and I didn’t want to call Lady Honey and ask (she’s not awake 6 O’clock unless she has a special reason). None of my neighbors noticed what I was doing (i.e. I didn’t see any of my neighbors; they might have looked behind their curtains).
I wish you all a nice working day!
Love Horny

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